I Have a Foul Odor Coming from My Mouth: What Does This Mean?

I Have a Foul Odor Coming from My Mouth: What Does This Mean?

You know the routine - brush, floss, and drink water. Sometimes, for reasons beyond your control, you skip a step. And sometimes, the daily life that you live for years catches up with you, and you experience symptoms as a result. 

The experienced professionals at Expressions In Dentistry have helped people dealing with halitosis, or chronic bad breath. If you’re living in or around Folsom, California, and you’re dealing with bad breath, there may be causes for it that you may not know. Let’s explore what could be causing your bad breath and how we can help you. 

Why does my breath stink? 

Periods of bad breath are natural and completely normal. It isn’t realistic to expect that perfect oral care means that you are never going to have bad breath, but certain foods and conditions can change the chemistry of your mouth. 

The smell of your breath ultimately depends on the bacteria living in your mouth, particularly on the tongue. Your diet, lifestyle, and oral health habits all contribute to the environment in your mouth. 

Known causes of halitosis include: 

Of these causes, it should be noted that tobacco use is one of the most dangerous for your overall health. Though your heart and lungs may take the brunt of the terrible effects of consistent nicotine use, your oral health will inevitably suffer if you continue to use nicotine, particularly in tobacco. 

Tobacco use not only elevates your risk of developing chronic conditions like hypertension and cancer, it can also hasten the development of cavities, exacerbate oral infections, and make bad breath much worse and more frequent.

What can I do about my bad breath? 

Fortunately, taking care of bad breath is easy for most people. Deeper issues, like disease, should be addressed by your provider at Expressions in Dentistry, but should also be addressed with your primary care physician. If you’re a smoker, quitting smoking can save your oral health, your breath, and in most cases, your life.

For bad breath, start with making sure that you’re drinking enough water. If you aren’t sure of how much water you need, a quick call to your primary care doctor can answer that question. Using a floss, toothbrush, and toothpaste approved by The American Dental Association after meals will go miles in protecting your oral health. 

Visiting your provider at Expressions in Dentistry for your twice-annual professional cleaning is essential to keeping fresh, healthy breath. Your annual cleaning is also a chance for your provider to catch any threats to your oral health, like gum disease or cavities, both of which can cause bad breath. 

I know I shouldn’t, but what if I just ignore it?

Your bad breath can’t be remedied by pretending that it is not an issue. Even if your bad breath doesn’t make you as self-conscious as it makes others, the causes of your bad breath will come back to haunt you, whether it’s your diet, your tobacco use, or an untreated cavity. 

Bad breath and other bodily odor may cause anxiety, as some people associate natural bodily orders with a lack of cleanliness and overall hygiene. Other concerning contexts include working and business environments, where bad breath may be viewed as unprofessional and off-putting to colleges and business associates. 

When can I come in for a cleaning? 

We’re sorry that bad breath has you down, but our professionals at Expressions in Dentistry are here to help you improve your breath and your overall wellness. Ignoring any health problem, including oral health problems, won’t make them go away, but will make them worse. Let us help you today at 916-252-9186, or book an appointment with us online. 

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